Saturday, December 9, 2023

 Booming and Shrinking Careers in the age of AI.

(The Summary of WAYACIM Round Table Discussion)

The Concept of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

  • Artificial intelligence (AI) is the simulation of human intelligence processes by machines, especially computer systems. In other words, Artificial intelligence is the intelligence of machines or software, as opposed to the intelligence of humans or animals. It is a field of study in computer science which develops and studies intelligent machines. 
  • Artificial Intelligence originated and evaluated by time to time with the revolution of Industries. There are two concepts as Digitization and Digitalization. Digitization focuses on converting and recording data, Digitalization is all about developing processes and changing workflows to improve manual systems. For an example in year 2000 people use manual techniques to do agricultural activities but now they do Smart agriculture, Farms, Agricultural zones with the use and help of AI. This may cause to the new era in Artificial intelligence (AI). Internet of Things (IOT), Cloud Computing, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Blog Chain are some examples.
  • And also when we are considering about Technology, now it’s using Big data that meanings generating new content. Chat GP is the best example. In some cases, Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) is working equally as humans, In Artificial Supper Intelligence (ASI) they work better than humans. Here there is a multiple corporate level between Humans and Artificial Intelligence.

 How Artificial Intelligence (AI) impact with the Industrial Changing?

  • With the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) lot of manual work become computerized. For an example in company recruiting processes earlier they use Applications, Newspaper Advertisements etc. But in now cases they are done by computer systems.(Online Applications, Job Vacancy sites such as Top Jobs etc.)
  • Another example in Hotel Industry, they collect customer reviews about the hotel experience by using customer surveys. It is also a good improvement in AI. So they can rank their hotel is in good position or not. 
  • Tea Factories in Sri Lanka use Robotic Technology for their packaging. Eg; Dilma Company.
  • Not only that but also private sector do massive investments on Artificial Intelligence (AI).

In the HR point of View, what are the career opportunities of Artificial Intelligence (AI)?
  • Actually Artificial Intelligence (AIis a Tool not an Competitor. But majority of people think that AI is an enemy or Competitor. By Using AI companies can increase their productivity level. As well as it increases the standard of living. 
  • Some jobs are loosing by AI but not all the jobs and careers. Human Emotional related jobs (Brain and Heart related) are still remain. They are never replaced by using AI. Because human touch is needed. Eg; HR Managers (Grievance handling / Mentoring / Coaching)
  • But in some cases we have to increase our skills like creativity, Innovation thinking to remain in the future job field and careers. Eg; Data Scientist, Tele Marketing.

What are the Industry Expectations that they are expect from job holders?
  • They are looking for Business Translators who can convert data into Business Intelligence, Interference and Independent. For an example, now the whole JD is changed in the organizations.
  • For take those opportunities  we have to increase our communication skills, collaborative skills, leadership skills, critical thinking, General common senses, Agility, Adoptability in the age of Artificial Intelligence (AI). 
  • According to the Future Job Report 2023 there will be 44% of core skills are replaced in 2025.

In conclusion, we can understand that Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a tool not an competitor. And also to get an career opportunities at the age of AI we have to reskill and upskill our soft skills as well as personal qualities (Personal Development). Keep learning is also a good method. 

"Don't be a monkey in the room." Try to break the rules in a good manner. Come over there with creative solution for your life.

Name       : K.S.Shakila
Index No  : 204509


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This is a well-written article that effectively conveys the key aspects of AI's impact on careers and offers valuable insights for navigating the changing job landscape.

  3. This article is very important to us. when studying this article we can identify the impact with the industrial changing, the career opportunities of Artificial Intelligence. Thanks for sharing this article.

  4. This article is very important to us. when studying this article we can identify Artificial Intelligence revolutionizes industries, automating tasks, creating new opportunities. Human-centric roles persist, requiring enhanced skills. Adaptability is key in an AI-driven future job market, emphasizing reskilling and upskilling for success.

  5. "Amazing write-up!",This article is very creative and very useful to us.It shows concept of artificial intelligence very clearly.Thank you for sharing this creative article with us.

  6. Welcome you all to read this post. I wrote this article to give an brief idea about booming and shrinking careers in Artificial Intelligence in the future. Hope you can get an idea regarding on that topic. Have a nice day.

  7. This is a very effective article that gives a clear knowledge about booming and shrinking careers in the age of Artificial Intelligence.
